Your Exposure Determines Your Focus

Contact us for details:
- How to sponsor a racing team
- Team racing details & pricing
- Membership
- 2024 Race Schedule

Each team consists of at least 2 adults & 3 children.

Model car provided with membership.

Teams meet at least one Saturday a month.

Your Exposure Determines Your Focus!

There are 12 model race car tracks in Maryland.

They are 0 race tracks in Baltimore City.

For years, children in Maryland counties have been exposed to this sport/hobby while children in Baltimore lacked those opportunities.

This sports/ hobby offers a gateway into today's world of technology because in 15 years, 40% of current jobs will no longer exist. Most of the jobs such as truck drivers, bus drivers, and delivery jobs will be limited, phased out, and or automated.

These model cars are identical. Replicas of real electric cars on the road today and the cars of the future. People that know this technology will be able to work on drones because they share similar technology. 

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